2022 COVID-19 Safety and Operational Plan

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In response to the evolving global coronavirus pandemic, we have developed a series of protocols and procedures to help protect guests and staff.

Gear Up for Safety and Outdoor Adventure!

We have developed a series of protocols and procedures to help protect guests and staff.

 To minimize the threat of COVID-19, Backpack The Trails LLC will follow local, state, federal, including National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management, guidelines to protect our guests’ and staff’s safety.

For the safety of our guests and staff, Backpack The Trails LLC is committed to taking the following actions:


  • For all 2022 Trips: Guests and staff must provide proof of vaccination for COVID-19 prior to trip start. If you are not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, you must provide a doctor’s note AND receive a negative COVID-19 test, within 72 hours of the trip start.

  • We will conduct extensive cleaning and disinfecting of all gear between trips.

  • Guests complete a General Health Assessment whenever they book a trip with us, providing information regarding health issues, allergies, fitness levels, date of last health assessment. 

  • Guests and staff will undergo a touchless thermometer screening prior to each trip. Per CDC recommendations, anyone at or above 100.4 F will not be able to participate in the current trip.

  • Guests and staff will answer a standard COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to each trip.

  • We will implement group size limits, including staff, as well as the number of different households allowed on each trip according to each land-use area’s requirements.

  • Guests and staff will wear a facemask whenever within 6 feet or less of one another in enclosed spaces.

  • Guests will be asked to provide their own masks and hand sanitizer.

  • We will require guests and staff to use sanitizer and disinfectant wipes when needed, and use hand-washing facilities when available.

  • We partner only with other entities that follow current, standard COVID-19 safety precautions.

  • If a guest or staff shows symptoms of COVID-19 during a trip, we will follow CDC guidelines for distancing, contacting appropriate medical consultants and, if necessary, have the impacted person safely moved from the area.

  • If a guest or staff shows symptoms of COVID-19 during a trip, we will notify the appropriate governmental authorities immediately.

  • If we are made aware that a guest or staff becomes symptomatic for COVID-19 after a trip, then we will notify all guests and staff so that they can take appropriate action to quarantine and seek medical advice.

  • We have a transportation plan to handle both emergency and non-emergency medical situations for guests or staff needing such assistance in case of illness or injury. We encourage our guests to purchase medevac insurance.

  • We strongly advise you purchase travel insurance, in case of last-minute illness before the trip. We must adhere to our published cancellation policies.


Backpack The Trails LLC recommends that for our guests who fall into the high-risk populations and people with underlying conditions to continue to follow the direction of their medical care provider, postponing trips to a later date, if the medical care provider suggests doing so.

 We will continue to follow all the recommendations in response to an ongoing public health incident, and this document will continue to evolve as we provide our staff and guests with timely updates about response activities and links to specific information about land-use areas that may be involved.

 There will not be any exceptions to these measures. Our staff reserve the right to deny or prematurely end a trip to any guest that does not comply with our guidance.

If you are concerned about travel or your health, we also offer custom trips for individuals and private groups.